Courier POP error: "Maildir invalid (no 'cur' directory

Okay, I've installed postfix on my linode and it seems to be fine. I've installed courier-pop as well. It seems all mail functions are fine except that I can't retrieve email via pop.

When I try, I get:

"Maildir invalid (no 'cur' directory)"

It's not the password. If that's wrong, then I get a timeout of some kind. followed by "Login failed".

I've scanned the net and seen suggestions to run makeMaildir program. I've got a Maildir directory in the account I'm accessing, with the cur/new/tmp subdirs in it. I've got the owner/group ID set properly and even set the permissions to 777. Nothing seems to phase it.

I've also sent an email to it before attempting to login, as suggested on the net. No dice.

My log says:

scancur opendir("cur"): No such file or directory

It seems to be working somewhere else. Help's appreciated. Thanks.

2 Replies

Okay, I've made more progress. For any getting this error, it seems the line

"home_mailbox = Maildir/"

needs to be included in the file. But in any event, I removed postfix and courier from the system and followed the directions on this page carefully, which includes adding the above to

" … SetupHowto">"

Now I need to get it to work with procmail….


Now I need to get it to work with procmail….

For instance, something like (in ~/.procmailrc):



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