Just a Quick question regarding Linode DNS Manager

Hey guys,

Been using Linode for about a year but this is the first time ive posted here so before I ask, I'd like to thank Linode for the great service.

Essentially for about the last 3 months Ive had the Linode DNS Manager doing all the work for my domain. However I now need to setup a wildcard subdomain but not quite sure how to do it.

At the moment, the DNS manager is in-charge of domain.tld (with about 10 A Records on it). However I'd like to setup another A record that will do *.sub.domain.tld, I thought i't would be as simple as putting *.sub but clearly thats not the case. Would be pretty grateful if someone could give me a hand with this.

Cheers, Adam

3 Replies

Nevermind, Got it sorted with a little help from HoopyCat on IRC. Although I'll post the solution here for anyone looking at in future.

At the time of posting, even though BIND is capable of doing it no problem, the Linode Manager does not support this. The only way to do it is to create another zone.

1. Go to the main page of the DNS Manager and create a new zone with the 3rd level domain as the hostname. I.E. Your current setup is that you have zone with domain.tld. Create one with sub.domain.tld. Make sure you set to leave it empty.

2. Go back to your original domain.tld and add some new NS records. at the moment, you will have:

ns1.linode.com - domain.tld
ns2.linode.com - domain.tld
ns3.linode.com - domain.tld
ns4.linode.com - domain.tld

You now need to add another 4 as such:

ns1.linode.com - sub.domain.tld
ns2.linode.com - sub.domain.tld
ns3.linode.com - sub.domain.tld
ns4.linode.com - sub.domain.tld

3. After doing this go back to your newly created zone and you should be able to create an A record with * as the subdomain, making the full adress *.sub.domain.tld. This will make it point to the IP address you typed in no matter what someone puts in place of the asterisk.

Hope, this is helpful to someone at some point. :)

Cheers, Adam


Just going into Linode's DNS manager, and adding an A record with * pointing to your linode IP wont work? I just tried that and am going to be testing it soon.

If you have "example.com" as a zone, it won't allow you to add records that are more than one level away – for instance: bar.example.com is allowed, but not foo.bar.example.com. To do that, you need to add "bar.example.com" as its own zone in the DNS Manager, and then add records to it.

Also, since both example.com and bar.example.com are being served by the same nameservers, adding those NS records in the subdomain zone isn't necessary (but still recommended).



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