Linode Library software

What software did Linode use to create the library, was it a mod of some existing PHP/MySQL thing or custom written?

I have to admit, I'm pretty jealous of it :D

6 Replies

I'm not sure what they use but if you're looking for an excellent CMS I very highly recommend Drupal 8)


I'm not sure what they use but if you're looking for an excellent CMS I very highly recommend Drupal 8)

I like Drupal and Wordpress, but I was looking for something like the Library for documentation/explanation at work.



I'm not sure what they use but if you're looking for an excellent CMS I very highly recommend Drupal 8)

I like Drupal and Wordpress, but I was looking for something like the Library for documentation/explanation at work.


What specifically are you looking for? Looking at Linodes library I really don't see what is beyond Drupal's scope. Actually it's a pretty basic set up, what features specifically are you looking for?

The Linode Library is an internally developed system built with a whole lot of Perl, a little bit of SQLite, and a good measure of git. Thanks for your comments! Alas, it's not ready for general use, but we're quite proud of it and have enjoyed using it quite a bit.

One of the things that we like the most about the Library system is that it builds a static site based on a collection of source files and a templating system. The good news about this is that there are other applications that are built with this kind of use case in mind. Consider things like Ikiwiki <>, Jekyll <>, and Hyde <> as they do similar sorts of things–albeit a bit differently.




What specifically are you looking for? Looking at Linodes library I really don't see what is beyond Drupal's scope. Actually it's a pretty basic set up, what features specifically are you looking for?

A clone of the interface.

Thanks tychoish for the comment and suggestions.


One of the things that we like the most about the Library system is that it builds a static site based on a collection of source files and a templating system. The good news about this is that there are other applications that are built with this kind of use case in mind.
Also Bricolage.


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