[Solved] Apache errors, httpd: double free or corruption.


I'm using Passenger with Ruby and Apache, and at random intervals it suddenly 'dies' and sites are stuck on loading. Only thing that seems to help is reboot the whole system, /etc/rc.d/httpd restart isn't working.

I'm using Arch Linux, 64bit now. Used to use 32bit and had the same problem, figured I'd just reinstall the whole thing.

This is the whole error :

[Mon Aug 31 12:31:46 2009] [notice] SIGHUP received.  Attempting to restart
*** glibc detected *** httpd: double free or corruption (out): 0x0000000000a57bd0 ***

What could be wrong? I'm at a dead end lol, Google didn't help either thusfar.. and everything is up to date. Just reinstalled the whole thing as well so.

Thanks :)

2 Replies


[Mon Aug 31 12:31:46 2009] [notice] SIGHUP received.  Attempting to restart
*** glibc detected *** httpd: double free or corruption (out): 0x0000000000a57bd0 ***

Broken module. The C runtime library is catching corrupted memory management – meaning a programmer made a boo-boo. Since it's highly unlikely this problem exists in Apache, I'd point at Passenger (or whatever other modules you have loaded).

You're looking at a bug report to someone.

Thank you, that solved my problem :)

I noticed I was using an extra not so popular module, once I removed it it been stable for a few days now. It's not Passengers fault luckily.


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