Install Turnkey Linux Drupal image

Hello all,

I am a getting ready to be a new Linode user shortly (ready to buy just want to make sure i understand). I want to use a Turnkey Linux Drupal image on my Linode 360.

I am an experienced linux admin (mainly Ubuntu) but am looking for the easier way if there is one. From reading the board here i understand you have to use the Linode kernels. What i'm missing here is how this works with the Turnkey image overwriting this?

How would this work in the manager screens? I'm getting the feeling that it in fact will not work this way at all but that i must create my Linode first and then somehow copy (rsync) all the filesystem over from my home Drupal turnkey vm?

Anyone have experience with Drupal on Linode 360? performance?

Need some help… what am i missing?



5 Replies

If you're using one of the Linode kernels, then it doesn't matter what kernels are installed on your node. They'll be ignored.

Also, it's possible via pv-grub to run a kernel from your node, rather than one of the Linode kernels.

I run a drupal multisite from my linode 540 with AMAZING performance! It's faster than any host i've ever been with.


How would this work in the manager screens? I'm getting the feeling that it in fact will not work this way at all but that i must create my Linode first and then somehow copy (rsync) all the filesystem over from my home Drupal turnkey vm?

That probably won't work from the manager screen, you'll have to boot your linode, boot your turnkey box, and rsync from the turnkey box to your linode. Be sure to use the same distro as whatever the turnkey linux box uses for your linode VPS.


I am a getting ready to be a new Linode user shortly (ready to buy just want to make sure i understand). I want to use a Turnkey Linux Drupal image on my Linode 360.
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That is bad ass.


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