Kernel fails, "close blk: backend at /local/domain/0/..


My newly build kernel (–grsec, under pv_grub-64) seems to fail - it's exactly the same .config as my previous kernel (, which was working fine.

It fails with:

 Booting 'Debian GNU/Linux, kernel'                                                 

root  (hd0)                                                                                         
 Filesystem type is ext2fs, using whole disk                                                        
kernel  /boot/vmlinuz- root=ca00 ro                                                   

close blk: backend at /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/628/51712                                         
close blk: backend at /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/628/51728                                         
close blk: backend at /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/628/51744                                         

Config: config-, config-

Any ideas?


3 Replies


Any ideas?
This one may be due to an issue we've been seeing recently. Can you roll back to 2.6.29 in your pv-grub setup for the time being?

I've seen the same thing happen when the kernel is built with –fstack-protector

Once I disabled that in the kernel config, it booted flowlessly.

Not sure if this applies to GRSec though…

edit: just checked your config, it's off. ignore me … :)


I'm waiting on a reply back. Can you roll back to 2.6.29 in your pv-grub setup for the time being?

Yes, I have already done so. Nice to see that you are always on top of things …. :-)


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