virtual hosting multiple domains multiple ips

I am having trouble getting a second domain to work with virtual hosts on centos 5.2 with apache.

current conf.d

Listen: ip of domain1 : 80


NameVirtualHost *:80

What do I have to change to get domain #2 to work? I am using ssl on domain #1.

6 Replies

You might want to have a look at the Linode Library document on this:

I was looking for more specific help. I have read the wiki.

edit: that is not the whole conf.d file.

Seriously? Thats all you can help? I setup everything per the centos 5.2 wiki, but If I can't get this server working with multiple domains/ips then I'm going to end up canceling my account.


Seriously? Thats all you can help? I setup everything per the centos 5.2 wiki, but If I can't get this server working with multiple domains/ips then I'm going to end up canceling my account.
Seriously? :) You sound a bit pushy to me. This is a community forum, support doesn't come by command or threatening. Also try submitting a ticket in your members area, I bet the Linode staff will try their best to help you.

However, name based virtual hosting is pretty much covered in the Apache docs. You might also want to read how to define multiple Listen directives

Perhaps you just overlooked some simple step. Check your DNS settings, if multiple IPs are involved check firewall configuration for basic connectivity, etc.

I thought the support tickets were more for hardware issues.

Sorry if I seem like a dick, but this is ridiculously frustrating.

Thanks for the advice.

This might be useful for learning how to ask communities for help:

In short, you're trying to do something that is very well-documented and has been done countless times by tens of thousands of people, so it should work very well. If it's not, you're going to need to provide some more information.

For starters:

1) What is it doing when it's not working?

2) What, exactly, are you trying to do?

3) What have you tried so far?

4) What have you changed in the configuration to try to make it work?

We might seem useless in these here forums, but at least you can look at what you're working on. We have to use our imaginations :-)


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