Virtual Host not working after reboot

I recently signed up for a Linode and moved my stuff over from a shared host, coming with some Linux experience, but not a ton. I moved my files and domains over and had everything working perfectly yesterday. I am amazed by the server speed over here… it has to be twice the speed of my shared host (who packed way too many people on a box).

I issued a reboot in the Linode control panel today, and have since had some problems. I can no longer access one of my domains without the www (can with the www). Another domain is unaffected. I setup the domains using Apache Virtual Hosts, as outlined here: … 04-jaunty/">

This is a problem since my Wordpress install sends traffic from http://www to http:// (therefore my main site is therefore down).

Any ideas? Thanks.

4 Replies

Can you post the apache vhost file? (ie from /etc/apache2/sites-available)

@gig Thanks for the note, here are the files I have in /etc/apache2/sites-available/

/etc/apache2/sites-available/ (the one that isn't working)




DocumentRoot /srv/www/

ErrorLog /srv/www/

CustomLog /srv/www/ combined

/etc/apache2/sites-available/ (the one that is working)




DocumentRoot /srv/www/

ErrorLog /srv/www/

CustomLog /srv/www/ combined

Both sites appear to be working okay now (using either www. or not).

DNS issues may be part of it. It takes time for the DNS / Bind settings to take effect. Much better than the old days 1994 and such but still until you have dns working at the web server site those virtual hosts go nuts a bit. I had asked if there was anything linode could do to speed this up. I would think an /etc/hosts file actually would do the trick until the domain becomes active for proper virtual use.

Again I don't know what you experienced exactly . If your IP addresses were in flux it may explain your problem though!


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