Webalizer help

Hey everyone,

I'm currently using Webalizer to monitor my traffic and let me tell you… It is using WAY too much CPU. I'm averaging like 81% right now for the month for CPU usage. Is there anyway to lower the cpu use at all? I'm running Ubuntu 9.04 right now w/ 1024 Swap Memory. 360MiB ram.

Any and all help would be fantastic. Also, I do -not- want to use a third party external logger (Google Stats, Etc.)


1 Reply

First (but probably unrelated) suggestion: You've got waaaaaaay too much swap. You probably want to bring that down into the 256MB-or-less range.

Anyway… how do you know it's webalizer? I'm running it daily on a site that gets 4M hits/mo, with reverse DNS lookups, and am at <5% for the month for everything. It shouldn't be nearly that high unless there's some serious problems.


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