What is the visible difference between a 360 and a 540?


This may sound stupid, but by you experience what is the visible difference between a linode 360 and a 540 in terms of speed?

I'm using a linode 360 to host a forum and I have been learning how to optimize every inch of it.

I have about 100.000 unique/month and about 400.000 page views/month, but i think that it runs fast with a small memory (100 Mb Ram) and I will never need to upgrade.

What will I notice if I upgrade to a 540?

5 Replies

This would depend on your current performance constraint - memory, CPU or disk space. If you currently have no known performance constraint, my thinking is that you would not see any difference.


Um… you'll have 180MB more RAM to play with, and slightly less contention for CPU on the host…

So, in rough numbers you should see an improvement of approximately orange.



What will I notice if I upgrade to a 540?

By the looks of things, just a bigger monthly bill and more memory for the kernel to use for caching.



What will I notice if I upgrade to a 540?

By the looks of things, just a bigger monthly bill and more memory for the kernel to use for caching.
Having more memory for caching might make a noticeable difference if your database is large. Reading from memory is so much faster than reading from disk. But of course, this depends on your usage patterns.


I'm using a linode 360 to host a forum and I have been learning how to optimize every inch of it.

I have about 100.000 unique/month and about 400.000 page views/month, but i think that it runs fast with a small memory (100 Mb Ram) and I will never need to upgrade.

then could you explain how?

I have a 360 linode running ispconfig3, apache, mysql and I never haver enough memory to host a lot of pages…

Can you show your apache, nginx, mysql, …, configuration files to compare? Which kind of pages serves?

A howto it would be perfect!!



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