A registration question and a node question

I registered just over a year ago, so I'm guessing that I'll be getting billed again soon. Will it be another full year billing like my first payment, or will it switch to monthly now? I'm sure this was made clear when I registered, but that was a while ago…

Also, since Linode is running Xen now, is there any plan to start offering other Xen DomU operating systems, like FreeBSD or OpenSolaris? If I could get an OpenSol machine to play around with, I'd be interested in doing that.

3 Replies

There is this, but looks like it hasn't been updated in a while. Haven't heard anything about official support.

Hello -

If your billing is about to renew, it will be for the same cycle as you originally signed up for (another year in your case). You can open a support ticket to change your billing cycle if you wish.

As Vance pointed out, there is a BSD HowTo, but we do not have any near term plans to support them.




Hello -

If your billing is about to renew, it will be for the same cycle as you originally signed up for (another year in your case). You can open a support ticket to change your billing cycle if you wish.

Ok, yearly is great. I was just making sure I knew what to expect.

> As Vance pointed out, there is a BSD HowTo, but we do not have any near term plans to support them.

Fair enough. Thanks for the info!


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