new to linode...

I have used linode for a year, but a friend of mine has managed the account. I have a couple of basic questions:

On my account - Storage Summary - It says that I "have allocated 75% of storage to disk images". I do I figure out how much space is available to me?

What is the putty command so that I can view all the users on my account with the amount used for each user?


5 Replies

> How do I figure out how much space is available to me?
It's right there, no?
> Storage Summary

Total: 24576 Megabytes

Used: 17432 Megabytes

Free: 7144 Megabytes

You have allocated 71%

of storage towards disk images

> What is the putty command so that I can view all the users on my account with the amount used for each user?
Define "account" and "amount." I'm not clear whether you mean in the Linode dashboard or on the server.

> oHw do I figure out how much space is available to me?
Run this as root,

df -k

> What is the putty command so that I can view all the users on my account with the amount used for each user?
You will need to have quotas enabled for that, search on google for how to enable and use quotas.

Thanks…..I'm still navigating my around putty and the control panel.

The 75% figure in the Linode Manager only tells you how much storage you have allocated towards virtual "partitions". If it shows 75%, it probably means that you haven't resized one of your "partitions" (a.k.a. disk images) to take advantage of the 33% free storage increase that was rolled out a couple of months ago.

How much free space you have inside those "partitions" (a.k.a. disk images) is an entirely different matter. As saman007uk told you, the command df -k will list every "partition" you have, including some weird ones that are reserved for special purposes. The numbers are shown in kilobytes, but if you want something a little more human-friendly, you can replace it with df -m to show the numbers in megabytes.

To figure out how much disk space each "account" (by which I suppose you mean each "website") is using, just go to the website's home directory (e.g. /var/www/websitename, or /home/websitename) and type du -m. This command will recursively list the sizes of all the files and directories in the website, and finally print out a total figure (in megabytes).

I always prefer the "-h" switch to both df and du commands, it automatically jumps to the next size word bytes > kilobytes > megabytes > gigabytes > terabytes as the numbers increased.

Just figured I would throw that in there.

As well, unless your friend has enabled quota and did a worker uid for each website and correlating quota to the worker uid, there probably is no "limit" per website of storage space.

I assume that you are probably looking for is a the bandwidth (not storage) to your linode which doesn't count per website rather per hit against your linode IP address and/or domains that resolve back to your linode IP address. That would be found in the Control Panel after selecting your linode you wish to observe. Should be on the right hand side of the screen under Bandwidth and you should see your "Used/Total Available" in progress bars and in number format. If you have more than one linode under your account, Linode pools (puts all bandwidth together) and it doesn't matter is Host A (linode 360) sees 400GB of traffic when Host B (linode 720) doesn't see anything.


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