New Customer - Very Satisfied

I was recently using a shared host who I was rather happy with in terms of shared hosting itself. Unfortunately my needs have grown beyond the services shared hosting could provide. I tried out their so called "VPS" hosting and was actually put-off by it. I didn't even have root access. I began searching the internet and came across a highly-recommended service called Linode. After seeing their prices (twice the resources, for half the price of my oldprovider!) I decided to sign up and give it a try.

I must say, I am 100% satisfied with the Linode experience thus far. I haven't had much experience in setting up a web server, but the ability to scrap my messed up attempts and start over with a fresh image was an amazing advantage. I quickly got my web server back online and configured the way I want it, using the server I wanted. All of my domains and web sites transitioned almost seamlessly to Linode. All I had to change was a few config file settings in a few custom-built content management systems to account for the new directory structure and off I went.

I would recommend Linode to anyone looking to switch from a shared hosting environment to a VPS service.

8 Replies

MMM sounds like you were with Dreamhost ;)

I actually still have an account with them, use them for my Gallery2 due to the disk space offered. They're actually a decent shared hosting company, that's why I still use them.

But when it comes down to VPS, you cannot beat Linode. 8)


"Where Thought Crime" is commited


Where Thought Crime is "commited"

Where "Thought Crime" is commited

"Where thought crime is commited"

Of course the schtups at Miriam-Webster spell it with two t's:

but what do they know, anyway.



MMM sounds like you were with Dreamhost ;)

I actually still have an account with them, use them for my Gallery2 due to the disk space offered. They're actually a decent shared hosting company, that's why I still use them.

But when it comes down to VPS, you cannot beat Linode. 8)

You guessed it. I don't use too much disk space, so the Linode 360 is very great for my particular needs. I'd still recommend DreamHost to anyone looking for shared hosting, but for true VPS, Linode is where it is at. :)



"Where Thought Crime" is commited


Where Thought Crime is "commited"

Where "Thought Crime" is commited

"Where thought crime is commited"

Of course the schtups at Miriam-Webster spell it with two t's:

but what do they know, anyway.

There, you happy? ;)


There, you happy? ;)

OK, I'm hapy now.



OK, I'm hapy now.
Only 'hapy', rather than happy?


Only 'hapy', rather than happy?

Dictionary, schmictionary - pshaw.


Never has the Fundamental Law of Grammar Policing been demonstrated so clearly. Textbook example, 50/50, excellent work.


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