OS Upgrade

Using linode from the last 4 Year with centos 7. how can I upgrade centos 7 server to Almalinux 9 without a reinstall.??? Is it possible.??

1 Reply

When it comes to upgrading your Linode's OS, there's a couple of options available. Before getting started, I strongly recommend that you backup the server's data before making any drastic system changes such as this. I've included some backup options below:

Once you've backed up the Linode, you can take one of two approaches, either an inline upgrade or by copying your data over to a new Linode(recommended). It's important to note that we generally recommend doing a migration upgrade through a clean install since sometimes inline upgrades can cause potential corruption to the server. The following community post has more guidance on how to go about upgrading CentOS 7 to Almalinux 8. Although the community post that I referenced goes over Almalinux 8, you can refer to this documentation on how to upgrade it from Almalinux 8 to 9:


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