Name Server / Registrar Tips


I just got a Linode. I'm moving from 1and1. I currently have my site and domain names with them. I would like to move my domain names to a third party and was wondering if there was anything I need to look out for?

So far it looks like DNS Made Easy and Dynadot are both good choices (I have two names but eventually four and seems DNSME has a good prices for multiple names) – although Dynadot's support forums have a decent amount of scary "I lost my name it was stolen!" … then again, almost no other companies have forums so maybe they all would look like this if they did ;)

As far as subdomain and linode-specific issues, is there any traps I need to look out for or features I need to make sure they support?

Thanks for your help!

…. now back to compiling emacs :)

8 Replies

You could just keep your domain at 1and1, and use the DNS Manager here.

I was at DNS Made Easy for a long time, and was 100% satisfied. Circumstances eventually required me to run my own DNS, but while with them no problems at all.

I used DNS Made Easy as a secondary DNS for several years. They were OK. I never noticed any downtime or outages with them. They did leave some to be desired in other areas though. For instance, I could never find a way to change the IP of the primary DNS that is used for grabbing new zones in their interface. It looked like the only way to change the IP was to delete and recreate the zone, which isn't very good.

When I moved to Linode last year, my DNSME service was about to come up for another year of renewal. My options were either move my DNS to Linode or renew with DNSME and re-create all of my zones with my new Linode IP while also paying them 4x what I used to (they raised their prices). I chose to move to Linode. After that, they spammed me every week telling me my account was going to expire in the next week. I had to finally contact them and tell them to quit emailing me.

Thanks for the feedback. What I was looking for.

I'm not sure I understand the zone/IP issue jsr brings up. Is this an issue if you're only doing a few domains?

Why not use linode's dns servers and save yourself some money??

I still need the to be held by a registrar though. But yes, I could do that for the server – and may!

There was a sizable discussion of registrars in a previous thread. As I recall, the only real consensus was "don't use GoDaddy."

Unless you have complex needs, Linode's DNS will more than suffice, or if your registrar provides a decent DNS service (most seem to, though the interfaces can be crappy) you could use that.

I used EveryDNS for a while, and it's absolutely great. However, they don't offer support for TXT and SRV records, which eventually got to me, so I moved my DNS to Linode's DNS Manager.


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