Buttons and Banners ??

Tough economy.

Looking ways to reduce my hosting cost, as affordable as it is.

Thought maybe I would try taking advantage of the referral program mentioned here:

http://blog.linode.com/2008/07/31/refer … discounts/">http://blog.linode.com/2008/07/31/referral-system-annual-discounts/

with a button my web site and perhaps rotating a banner.

Only linode buttons I could find were http://www.ratemylinode.com/buttons.html which aren't quite what I'm looking for.

Any "web 1.0" standard 88x31 buttons exist?

Yes, I know the modern trend is tiny buttons like those on the ratemylinode page. Sorry, small buttons like that really suck, I can never make out what they say and as non scalable graphics they don't respond to the + key to increase font size. I'm sure there are many others out there like me, and as resolutions increase faster than physical inches of the screen, small buttons just simply stink (IMHO).

Also, what about standard 468x60 banners?

3 Replies

The official source of banners is http://www.linode.com/images/pr/, but I'm not sure if any of them fit your requirements.

Would there be a problem with me using this badge that I made from the logo at top of forum?

![](" />

This works for the 468x

![](" />


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