Backup whole VM for local Xen testing


Is it possible to backup the whole VM image and import into my local Xen server for testing env.?

Since I don't want to install/setup everystuffs again, it would be great is just copy and import.


5 Replies

Would rsync not work? … diffBackup">


Would rsync not work? … diffBackup">

I want to backup the whole system (not only data, also program installed under /usr/local, and in fact… every thing)

So I am trying to see if it can be done in the VM level.

Not at the VM level yet, they are working on it, but not yet.

But I don't know what form or state the backup is in. I haven't had a chance to be a part of the beta yet. They were (and are) working on it when I asked to be a part of the beta.

And as far as I can tell, if you follow that tutorial you would be backing up the entire system except for:





and two other directories that are specific to the author's system/setup.



Is it possible to backup the whole VM image and import into my local Xen server for testing env.?

Since I don't want to install/setup everystuffs again, it would be great is just copy and import.


Reboot into a finnix profile, mount your disk image and do whatever you want with it.

This might be a bit overkill, but should work for you: … e-with-you">


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