How many Linodes

Out of curiosity, how many Linodes do you run of each plan? I currently have 3 360s.

6 Replies

I own (pay for) a 540 and run another 360.

A single Linode 1080, which is quite roomy enough both for a persistent freenx development session and the main site for - online curve and surface fitting.


my business partner and I combined have 6

I've got one for business, thinking of moving my personal stuff to one too, although it'd be a big cut in my bandwidth.


I've got one for business, thinking of moving my personal stuff to one too, although it'd be a big cut in my bandwidth.

btw, linode pools all of your bandwidth across your linodes.

Which means if you have a 1080 plan (1600GB bandwidth) and a 360 plan (200 GB bandwidth) you have 1800GB of bandwidth to divide amongst your linodes.



I've got one for business, thinking of moving my personal stuff to one too, although it'd be a big cut in my bandwidth.

btw, linode pools all of your bandwidth across your linodes.

Which means if you have a 1080 plan (1600GB bandwidth) and a 360 plan (200 GB bandwidth) you have 1800GB of bandwidth to divide amongst your linodes.

The two accounts would probably not be linked, and even if they were, the 600GB of pooled bandwidth would be a lot less than I'm getting now. Unfortunately, the reliability just isn't there with my current provider.


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