Confusing dist-upgrade warnings..

Hi all,

I've attempted to do a dist-upgrade but I get the following:

> Building dependency tree… Done

Calculating upgrade… Done

The following packages will be REMOVED:

apt apt-utils aptitude base-config cmake dselect fam gcc gcc-4.1 gettext-base groff-base

libfam0 libsasl2 libsigc++-1.2-5c102 libsigc++-2.0-0c2a libssp0 libstdc++6 lighttpd

man-db nmap python-apt tasksel tasksel-data telnet

The following NEW packages will be installed:

bind9utils libbind9-40 libcap2 libclamav5 libcurl3-gnutls libdb4.5 libdns45 libfsplib0

libgpm2 libisc45 libisccc40 libisccfg40 liblwres40 libpq5 libruby1.8 libtimedate-perl

libxcb-xlib0 libxcb1 lsb-release lynx-cur openssl-blacklist python2.5 python2.5-minimal

ttf-dejavu-core ttf-dejavu-extra

The following packages have been kept back:

clamav-freshclam cpp-4.1 dpkg dpkg-dev elinks gcc-4.1-base libcurses-perl libgcc1

liblocale-gettext-perl libperl5.8 libterm-readkey-perl libtext-charwidth-perl

libtext-iconv-perl perl perl-base perl-modules python-support

The following packages will be upgraded:

bind9 dovecot-common dovecot-imapd dovecot-pop3d libsasl2-2 libx11-6 linux-libc-dev lynx

pdmenu python python-minimal python2.4 python2.4-minimal ssl-cert ttf-dejavu

WARNING: The following essential packages will be removed.

This should NOT be done unless you know exactly what you are doing!

apt libstdc++6 (due to apt)

15 upgraded, 25 newly installed, 24 to remove and 17 not upgraded.

Need to get 30.2MB of archives.

After unpacking 836kB of additional disk space will be used.

You are about to do something potentially harmful.

To continue type in the phrase 'Yes, do as I say!'

What should I do? If I choose yes, will it really damage something? Scary!

13 Replies

Yes, you will damage your system.

Please tell us what distribution you are running, and post the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list.

Thanks for responding..

> cat /etc/debian_version


> deb stable main

deb-src stable main

deb stable/updates main

deb etch/updates main contrib

Have you tried aptitude instead? I believe it has a different dependecy solver, so it may give you a more sensible way of upgrading …

Edit: also, make your sources.list consistent - either include contrib in all lines or not at all

Are you upgrading from etch to lenny? ie, why are you doing a dist-upgrade?


Have you tried aptitude instead? …

Edit: also, make your sources.list consistent - either include contrib in all lines or not at all

Yes but I've no idea what I'm doing in aptitude. I changed the sources.list to include contrib and updated.

> Are you upgrading from etch to lenny? ie, why are you doing a dist-upgrade?

That was the idea etch->lenny ..

Now it's more than that, though. How did everything get so screwed up?

I wonder if I should just leave well enough alone? Or start all over with a fresh install of the latest Debian?

Remove the etch line and do an apt-get update. Have you read the upgrading notes?

If it still fails, do try aptitude instead of apt-get (there's no place to be confused, they take the same arguments).

I haven't read the upgrading notes.. Where can I find them?

This does look a little "safer", right?

aptitude dist-upgrade
> The following packages are BROKEN:

gcc-4.3 libgcc1 libgomp1 libperl5.8 libsasl2 libssp0 libstdc++6

The following NEW packages will be automatically installed:

bind9utils elinks-data libbind9-40 libc6-dev libcap2 libclamav5 libcurl3-gnutls

libcwidget3 libdb4.5 libdns45 libept0 libfsplib0 libgpm2 libisc45 libisccc40

libisccfg40 liblwres40 libperl5.10 libpq5 libruby1.8 libtimedate-perl libxapian15

libxcb-xlib0 libxcb1 libxmlrpc-c3 lsb-release lynx-cur lzma openssl-blacklist

python2.5 python2.5-minimal ttf-dejavu-core ttf-dejavu-extra

The following packages will be automatically REMOVED:


The following NEW packages will be installed:

bind9utils elinks-data libbind9-40 libc6-dev libcap2 libclamav5 libcurl3-gnutls

libcwidget3 libdb4.5 libdns45 libept0 libfsplib0 libgpm2 libisc45 libisccc40

libisccfg40 liblwres40 libperl5.10 libpq5 libruby1.8 libtimedate-perl libxapian15

libxcb-xlib0 libxcb1 libxmlrpc-c3 lsb-release lynx-cur lzma openssl-blacklist

python2.5 python2.5-minimal ttf-dejavu-core ttf-dejavu-extra

The following packages will be REMOVED:


The following packages will be upgraded:

apt apt-utils aptitude bind9 clamav-freshclam cmake cpp-4.1 dovecot-common

dovecot-imapd dovecot-pop3d dpkg dpkg-dev elinks gcc gcc-4.1 gcc-4.1-base

libcurses-perl liblocale-gettext-perl libsasl2-2 libterm-readkey-perl

libtext-charwidth-perl libtext-iconv-perl libx11-6 lynx nmap pdmenu perl perl-base

perl-modules python python-apt python-minimal python-support python2.4

python2.4-minimal ssl-cert ttf-dejavu

The following packages are RECOMMENDED but will NOT be installed:

aptitude-doc-cs aptitude-doc-en aptitude-doc-fi aptitude-doc-fr aptitude-doc-ja

build-essential libparse-debianchangelog-perl libsasl2-modules

40 packages upgraded, 35 newly installed, 1 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

Need to get 69.0MB of archives. After unpacking 78.0MB will be used.

The following packages have unmet dependencies:

libstdc++6: Depends: gcc-4.3-base (= 4.3.2-1.1) but 4.3.3-3 is installed.

libsasl2: Depends: libsasl2-2 (= 2.1.22.dfsg1-8) but 2.1.22.dfsg1-23+lenny1 is to be installed.

libperl5.8: Depends: perl-base (= 5.8.8-11.1+lenny1) but 5.10.0-19 is to be installed.

libgomp1: Depends: gcc-4.3-base (= 4.3.2-1.1) but 4.3.3-3 is installed.

gcc-4.3: Depends: gcc-4.3-base (= 4.3.2-1.1) but 4.3.3-3 is installed.

Depends: cpp-4.3 (= 4.3.2-1.1) but 4.3.3-3 is installed.

libssp0: Depends: gcc-4.1-base (= 4.1.1-21) but 4.1.2-25 is to be installed.

libgcc1: Depends: gcc-4.3-base (= 4.3.2-1.1) but 4.3.3-3 is installed.

Resolving dependencies…

The following actions will resolve these dependencies:

Remove the following packages:


Keep the following packages at their current version:

cpp-4.1 [4.1.1-21 (now)]

gcc-4.1 [4.1.1-21 (now)]

gcc-4.1-base [4.1.1-21 (now)]

libsasl2-2 [2.1.22.dfsg1-8 (now)]

Downgrade the following packages:

cpp-4.3 [4.3.3-3 (now) -> 4.3.2-1.1 (stable)]

gcc-4.3-base [4.3.3-3 (now) -> 4.3.2-1.1 (stable)]

Leave the following dependencies unresolved:

dpkg-dev recommends build-essential

Score is -874 … ading.html">

always good to read the documentation, no?

How did you get packages from Squeeze? cpp-4.3.3-3 is not in lenny but was in Squeeze as of 02/16.

Yes, that looks safer. The "dependency that will not be resolved" is just a Recommendation - aptitude installs packages that are merely Recommended by default. You can sort out build-essential later. Removing libperl5.8 is fine since Lenny ships with perl 5.10, not 5.8. And I assume libclamav5 replaces libclamav2.

One of the first things noted in the release notes is that you should upgrade apt first. Perhaps the first thing you should do now is apt-get install apt aptitude .

@Alucard: … ading.html">

always good to read the documentation, no?

Yes. Thank you.


How did you get packages from Squeeze? cpp-4.3.3-3 is not in lenny but was in Squeeze as of 02/16.

I have no idea.. It's been a while since I've done any real OS operations on my node. I just don't remember what I've done :-)


One of the first things noted in the release notes is that you should upgrade apt first. Perhaps the first thing you should do now is apt-get install apt aptitude .

I can't. It says I'm missing all kinds of dependencies.

I'm backing up all my stuff right now and then I'll just try dist-upgrade from aptitude. If that fails, I'll just start all over and install lenny from my linode manager.

Thanks for everybody's help!

You can also try safe-upgrade.

safe-upgrade is the same as upgrade. It will upgrade everything that does not require new packages to be installed or other packages to be removed. To complete the upgrade to Lenny you could start with a safe-upgrade but must do at least one (and probably several) dist-upgrades.

Can you post what it says about apt-get install apt aptitude ?


I just did aptitude dist-upgrade and all is well. I actually had to do it twice because some were apparently held back.

All is well now.. I appreciate all your help!!



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