Linode 1 year later

It was just over a year ago that we switched from The Planet (after an explosion in The Plant's data center) to Linode. At that time I posted a testimonial about the five star service provided by Linode.

Well, after a year, I am back to say that Linode has surpassed even those lofty expectations of a year ago. In a year, our company, iChemLabs, has not experienced a server crash, a disk crash, a power supply failure, or any other hardware event. We have not even had one minute of downtime (if there was any sort of hardware event, Linode fixed it in the background without us ever knowing about it).

The reliability of Linode has allowed us to stop worrying about server failures and focus on revenue growth. And that reliability has helped us increase revenue from our flagship product, ChemDoodle (, ten-fold in just one year.

So to everyone at Linode, we say thank you. We couldn't have come this far without you.

  • Managing Director, iChemLabs

3 Replies

I am a retired chemist, currently a science teacher.

Chemdoodle looks very nice. I'm going to try the trial.

Thanks, Jeff

PS. I would also like to add that I have been with Linode since February. Service has been perfect.


I am a retired chemist, currently a science teacher. might be useful to your students, online curve and surface fitting - no fees and no ads.


Thanks, James we have a plotting program from Vernier but it isn't always loaded on the student computers.

Not to hijack this thread but I'm looking for interactive atomic structure modeling on an introductory level. Most of the software and web sites I have found are too advanced for public school students.



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