Help setting up sBNC 1.2

ok so I made a new user and made his home directory /home/coffey522 and made him owner of it. This is what I used to setup sbnc:

> wget

tar -zxf sbnc-1.2.tar.gz



make install

They all seem to work, but when I type ./configure I get these errors near the end:

> config.status: creating Makefile

config.status: WARNING: seems to ignore the –datarootdir setting

config.status: creating scripts/Makefile

config.status: WARNING: scripts/ seems to ignore the --datarootdir s etting

config.status: creating src/c-ares/Makefile

config.status: WARNING: src/c-ares/ seems to ignore the --datarootdi r setting

config.status: creating src/libltdl/Makefile

config.status: WARNING: src/libltdl/ seems to ignore the --datarootd ir setting

config.status: creating src/snprintf/Makefile

config.status: WARNING: src/snprintf/ seems to ignore the --dataroot dir setting

config.status: creating src/rpc/Makefile

config.status: WARNING: src/rpc/ seems to ignore the --datarootdir s etting

config.status: creating bnctcl/Makefile

config.status: WARNING: bnctcl/ seems to ignore the --datarootdir se tting

config.status: creating src/sbncloader/Makefile

config.status: WARNING: src/sbncloader/ seems to ignore the --dataro otdir setting

config.status: creating src/Makefile

config.status: WARNING: src/ seems to ignore the --datarootdir setti ng

config.status: creating src/md5/Makefile

config.status: WARNING: src/md5/ seems to ignore the --datarootdir s etting

config.status: creating identd32/Makefile

config.status: WARNING: identd32/ seems to ignore the --datarootdir setting

config.status: creating php/Makefile

config.status: WARNING: php/ seems to ignore the --datarootdir setti ng

config.status: creating bncmysql/Makefile

config.status: WARNING: bncmysql/ seems to ignore the --datarootdir setting

now when you try running sbnc for the first time after it's been intalled it asks you some questions like what port it's going to run on and the first users details, but the configure process stops completely after I type in the users password.

I don't know whats wrong, never had these problems before :o and I'm using Debian 5

3 Replies

Coffey522, try to update autoconf and automake then rebuild sbnc.

By the way, you should ask on the sbnc forum


Why not use

I second this. Using your distro's package will allow you to get automatic updates when a newer version comes out that might fix some critical security flaw, or an annoying bug, saving you from having to track this yourself.


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