Resource pooling with multiple Linodes

What are all the resources that can be pooled across multiple Linodes, and what are the restrictions?

I read somewhere that bandwidth is poolable. Is that true? Do both Linodes have to be in the same DC?

Can HDD or memory be pooled? Can a disk image be pooled (mounted on two)? Are there options for replication of an image (for recovery purposes)?

Thanks! I'm loving my Linode so far. Obviously, I'm thinking of a second one already…

6 Replies

Bandwidth is considered pooled for billing purposes, but the dashboard doesn't represent it.

The rest are no, except for image replication: you can copy an image from one Linode to another. Its manual, no fancy voodoo RAID stuffs. If you want to replicate between two Linodes in the same data center, there is an unmetered network you can use for transferring.

And bandwidth is pooled, even across multiple data centers?


And bandwidth is pooled, even across multiple data centers?




And bandwidth is pooled, even across multiple data centers?

What does this mean in English?

Is it this? I setup 2 linodes in <= 2 different data centers. Let's say they all have 200GB transfer. I can use 300GB on one linode and 100GB on the other and I would not be charged any overages since the 2 linodes are "pooled"?

That's pretty nice if that's what we're talking about.


That's pretty nice if that's what we're talking about.



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