Startup script; runs commands as certain user + screen

Using Ubuntu 9.04

FILE: /etc/init.d/myscript



# To start the server
start() {
  echo -n "Starting server: "
  su user -c "/home/user/dir/startserver.bash"

# To stop the server
stop() {
  echo -n "Stopping server: "
  su user -c "/home/user/dir/stopserver.bash"

case $1 in
    su user -c "/home/user/dir/statusscript.bash"
    echo "Usage: server {start|stop|restart|status}"


To automatically load

$ sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/myscript
$ sudo update-rc.d myscript defaults

Will this automatically run the script as root, but will execute the commands as user without password prompt?

Basically, I am trying to automatically start a server, but don't want it to run as root, but as a user.

Still reading through the manual for screen, so not sure yet if I can run a script at startup which will create a screen as a specified user, then start the server as that specified user, then detach the screen.

The server runs in the foreground where I can input commands.

So my goal is to start the server in a new screen on boot, so when I log in I can switch to that screen.

Any input and help would be appreciated.

Edit: Added "s after -c

3 Replies

Edit: Need more coffee. You even used sudo ;)

In the user's crontab:

@reboot screen -d -m command-name

> -d -m Start screen in "detached" mode. This creates a new session but doesn’t attach to

it. This is useful for system startup scripts.

That @reboot may be version-specific, if it doesn't work then create a script in /etc/rcX.d


Edit: Need more coffee. You even used sudo ;)

And I needed some much needed sleep; forgot to put the command in quotes after using su user -c. (no wonder it wouldn't quite work)


In the user's crontab:

@reboot screen -d -m command-name

> -d -m Start screen in "detached" mode. This creates a new session but doesn’t attach to

it. This is useful for system startup scripts.

That @reboot may be version-specific, if it doesn't work then create a script in /etc/rcX.d

perfect that is what i needed; used

screen -d -m -S name su user -c "/home/user/dir/startserver.bash"

Now I just have one more question, when I start the server it is in the foreground waiting for commands; however, there are a few more lines in the script that I need executed, but they will only execute after the server is stopped (gets out of the foreground).

The rest of the script will run if I start the server in the background by using "command &", but this kills the point of running the server in a separate screen.

Basically, after the server starts i pull the pid and write it to a file, then i use that file to check the status and stop the server. So that part of the script needs to be run after the server starts.

Can't use bg/fg b/c I don't want to stop the process.

What would you think is the best way to do this?


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