2.6.29 pv-grub - 50% wait?

I've been happily running 2.6.28-gentoo-r5 via pv-grub built from gentoo-sources using .config from Linode's 2.6.28 (when there was such a version in testing). Why? Why not? Seemed like fun to use pv-grub.

Anyway, 2.6.29 was recently marked stable on Gentoo, so I:

  • Booted Linode's 2.6.29 test kernel

  • zcat /proc/config.gz > /usr/src/linux/.config

  • cd /usr/src/linux ; make && make modules install, etc.

When I boot my new kernel it takes eons - once booted, top shows 50% wa.

2.6.28 still boots fine.

Anyway, switched to Linode's 2.6.29, instead, but wondering if anyone has seen the same?

2 Replies


Anyway, switched to Linode's 2.6.29, instead, but wondering if anyone has seen the same?
I have not noticed the same, and I'm running 2.6.29-linode18 with a patch (of my own). It's actually been fairly reliable for me, and my bootup is under 10 seconds.

What does dmesg tell you?

Unfortunately I didn't think to capture that. Next time I can afford some downtime I'll see.

I did compile the kernel using distcc, though I doubt that should matter?


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