x11-common package conflicts with php5-gd

Hi, I'm a newbie to apt and ubuntu but I've been strugging with this issue for weeks. I hope someone can give me a clue on how to resolve this issue.

So i have a new install of ubuntu latest build on my linode. I followed the instruction on ubuntu.com and installed apache, php5 using apt.

However, I'm getting a conflict with the php5-gd package. Using apt it is telling me that the underlying issue is with x11-common.

This is what is on apt.

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Packages gollem info horde3 info php5-gd info libxpm4 info x11-common info x11-common info


c –\ x11-common 1:7.4~5ubu

Description: X Window System (X.Org) infrastructure

x11-common contains the filesystem infrastructure required for further installation of the X Window System in any configuration; it does not

provide a full installation of clients, servers, libraries, and utilities required to run the X Window System.

A number of terms are used to refer to the X Window System, including "X", "X Version 11", "X11", "X11R6", and "X11R7". The version of X used in

Debian is derived from the version released by the X.Org Foundation, and is thus often also referred to as "X.Org". All of the preceding quoted

terms are functionally interchangeable in an Debian system.

Priority: standard

Section: x11

Maintainer: Ubuntu Core Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com>

Compressed size: 366k

Uncompressed size: 782k

Source Package: xorg

--\ Depends (3)

--- debconf (>= 0.5) | debconf-2.0

--- debianutils (>= 1.13)

--- lsb-base (>= 1.3-9ubuntu2)

--\ PreDepends (1)

--- debconf | debconf-2.0

--- Conflicts (168)

--- Replaces (5)

--- Packages which depend on x11-common (149)

--\ Versions of x11-common (1)

p 1:7.4~5ubuntu18

Can anyone provide any clue as what I should do next?

1 Reply

It isn't so easy to tell what's wrong from your post.

However, a good start when a package fails to install is to check that everything else is up to date first.

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade 
sudo apt-get install php5-gd


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