How much users has


how much linodes registered has linode?

Is this a big or small company?

When this company born?

I'm here since two weeks and I just love you,

I hope that you'll grow up as much as you worth.


18 Replies


how much linodes registered has linode?
Interesting question - I don't think they are going to tell us. :)

Let's try and guess. Just to make an estimate, assume that Linodes selling frequency is in inverse proportion to their size (i.e. 8 times as many 360s as 2880s). A mean disk usage calculation given that distribution gives an average disk consumption of around 34 GB per user (neglecting backup trial and extras). Linode says that they have 700 TB of disk on line. So that gives us a guesstimate of 20,000 Linodes, running on ~ 1500 hosts.


So that gives us a guesstimate of 20,000 Linodes, running on ~ 1500 hosts.

I calculate 1493.716 hosts, but then again my computer has a 1/2 bit CPU so it sometimes rounds oddly.


I tooked that this company is bigger…

Good work, and have a good growing

Big enough to meet your needs, small enough to care.

Insert cheesy jingle here.


Big enough to meet your needs, small enough to care.

Insert cheesy jingle here.

Good slogan :)

you're right…


I calculate 1493.716 hosts, but then again my computer has a 1/2 bit CPU so it sometimes rounds oddly.

Pentium FDIV bug?

Or did you use Excel?



I calculate 1493.716 hosts, but then again my computer has a 1/2 bit CPU so it sometimes rounds oddly.

Pentium FDIV bug?

Or did you use Excel? … 4179#14179">


Is this a big or small company?
In what way? There are…6 employees, I think. (I hope I didn't leave someone out!)


When this company born?
June 2003.



Is this a big or small company?
In what way? There are…6 employees, I think. (I hope I didn't leave someone out!)


When this company born?
June 2003.

really small…

Assuming the numbers below that are rough and correct, I dont think that id consider 1500 hosts with 22000 customers "Small". By the nature of the work they are doing they dont nessessarly need a large ammount of staff..

Especially if you automate most of it.. You seem to be of the assuming that more staff = better service, or more stability, but in the case of linode i would tend to disagree.. Linode is awesome, ive had nothing but success with my linodes over the 5? 6? years that ive been here.. Id much rather be with this "small" company then something "large" like dreamhost.

We're getting VPS service so cheap because they don't have a huge staff, I'd wager. After all, they hired on who they needed as engineers - they don't need a huge (outsourced?) technical support department.

If there were managed hosting, then I could see the justification for a huge staff that does nothing but deal with little requests like, "We need 50 email users, here are their names, please report when its done." Or "We need an asterisk server setup, plz."

But, hey, that's what rackspace is for. :) And their 300 a month price.

ran into this just now: …">

looks like linode hosts around 17,000 domains. it doesn't directly translate into the number of customers, but maybe it gives us a good idea about the size of linode?

Well, if Linode follows the naming scheme [datacenter][#] (ie,,, etc) for the servers' DNS entries, and the numbers are contiguous, I count 502 servers:

Atlanta: 96

Dallas: 173

Fremont: 102

Newark: 132

Total: 502

That's not going to be too accurate because older hosts are phased out without their numbers being reused.

Actually, you can AXFR to get the full list [edit: of hosts].

dig axfr


Actually, you can AXFR to get the full list [edit: of hosts].

dig axfr

Taking out the CNAMEs and hostnames for switches, development machines and the like leaves 22,687 hosts. Not sure how many are active, though. I'll bet caker gets angry if I try to ping them all to find out.

I'm guessing that the 22,687 number includes So the actual number of physical hosts is much less. Also, if each host's revenue is roughly $800/month (40 360's), using the 22,000 number, it would mean that Linode rakes in about $217,800,000 a year. This seems a bit high. Using my number of 502 hosts, I get $4,800,000/year, which seems to be a much more reasonable number for a company with 6 employees. Of course this is all speculation. And I seriously doubt they'd publicly say how many servers they have.

Oh, and they seem to have disabled AXFRs after your post. Or atleast blacklisted my Linode from AXFR-ing :twisted:


Oh, and they seem to have disabled AXFRs after your post. Or atleast blacklisted my Linode from AXFR-ing :twisted:

Haha, they did. No fun. :D

I guess they didn't like how prying we were being. Makes sense.

Plus, a bunch of people downloading 23,000 DNS records all at once…


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