How can I point my domain name to my Linode?


I just finished to configure my VPS

with webservices and email (POP/SMTP) without any DNS server…

Now I want to transfer my old domain name to GoDaddy and tell to

GoDaddy to point my existing domain name to your VPS…

Is there a guide on how to do that?

Please help me…

9 Replies

if no dns server then use Linode's free DNS service.

On your Linode Account, point to DNS manager,

Click "Add a new domain zone" on the lower right portion.

Then on the Domain Field, type in your domain, choose "Master" on the type. then click continue.

Leave everything on default except for the SOA. just enter your email address. then click save.

after that, Login to Godaddy. Click Domain Manager on the left portion, then on the page, choose and click the domain.

click nameservers then a css popup will show up choose custom namservers.

then on the Nameservers field, just enter


after that, you just wait. Propagation time differs between 4-48 hours after you entered the nameservers.


really thanks for your good reply…

I also need to configure

and a subdomain like

what I need to do to configure mail and a subdomain in the linode dns manager?




really thanks for your good reply…

I also need to configure

and a subdomain like

what I need to do to configure mail and a subdomain in the linode dns manager?


bump question, please help…

really thanks for your patience.


what I need to do to configure mail and a subdomain in the linode dns manager?

Add A records and an MX record. Here's how I did it (using an example zone, and starting from scratch). Note that we have an entirely blank slate in the DNS manager. Click "add new A/AAAA record". This is where we set up the record that says "" is

~~![](<URL url=) … /step1.png">" />

For the first A record, the one for the main domain, do not fill in anything except "IP address". Set the record to the IP address of your Linode. This will make "" point to Click Save.

~~![](<URL url=) … step2b.png">" />

Repeat the process of adding A records for all subdomains that you want. Here, I've set up a "mail" subdomain (notice I only used "mail", and not ""). Also set these to the IP of your Linode, or, if you are using a creative hosting setup, any IP address that you wish. Here I've used again.

~~![](<URL url=) … step2c.png">" />

In order for outside computers to recognize that, indeed, handles incoming e-mail for e-mail addresses, we also need an MX record. After you've created an A record for mail, click Add an MX record.

~~![](<URL url=) … /step3.png">" />

Here, we use the full hostname (as the server that handles mail for may not necessarily be part of the domain). Fill in the full hostname of your mail subdomain. The lower the "priority" number, the higher the priority of that mailserver – this only matters when multiple servers are in use, so you can leave it at 10 for now. Leave the rest blank and click Save.

~~![](<URL url=) … step3b.png">" />

I've created other records here, including an IPv6 version of mail as well as IPv4/IPv6 records for "wap" using the same exact procedure as I did in step 2 above. I also added an SPF record under TXT records – this allows some mailservers that recognize SPF to make sure your domain isn't spamming. See the OpenSPF website for the lowdown on that (it's not important at all).

~~![](<URL url=) … s/done.png">" />

That's it! Now, in about 15 minutes, Linode should pick up the change. Give all of your changes (since you just changed GoDaddy's nameservers) about 24 hours to propagate through the Internet and everything should be working fine.~~~~



what I need to do to configure mail and a subdomain in the linode dns manager?

Add A records and an MX record. Here's how I did it (using an example zone, and starting from scratch). Note that we have an entirely blank slate in the DNS manager. Click "add new A/AAAA record". This is where we set up the record that says "" is

~~![](<URL url=) … /step1.png">" />

For the first A record, the one for the main domain, do not fill in anything except "IP address". Set the record to the IP address of your Linode. This will make "" point to Click Save.

~~![](<URL url=) … step2b.png">" />

Repeat the process of adding A records for all subdomains that you want. Here, I've set up a "mail" subdomain (notice I only used "mail", and not ""). Also set these to the IP of your Linode, or, if you are using a creative hosting setup, any IP address that you wish. Here I've used again.

~~![](<URL url=) … step2c.png">" />

In order for outside computers to recognize that, indeed, handles incoming e-mail for e-mail addresses, we also need an MX record. After you've created an A record for mail, click Add an MX record.

~~![](<URL url=) … /step3.png">" />

Here, we use the full hostname (as the server that handles mail for may not necessarily be part of the domain). Fill in the full hostname of your mail subdomain. The lower the "priority" number, the higher the priority of that mailserver – this only matters when multiple servers are in use, so you can leave it at 10 for now. Leave the rest blank and click Save.

~~![](<URL url=) … step3b.png">" />

I've created other records here, including an IPv6 version of mail as well as IPv4/IPv6 records for "wap" using the same exact procedure as I did in step 2 above. I also added an SPF record under TXT records – this allows some mailservers that recognize SPF to make sure your domain isn't spamming. See the OpenSPF website for the lowdown on that (it's not important at all).

~~![](<URL url=) … s/done.png">" />

That's it! Now, in about 15 minutes, Linode should pick up the change. Give all of your changes (since you just changed GoDaddy's nameservers) about 24 hours to propagate through the Internet and everything should be working fine.~~ ~~~~you are definitive.

really thanks for the excellent post, it is so good that it should be included in the linode wiki…

I have another question if possible, what I need to setup in the dns manager of godaddy?

Can I copy this settings also on godaddy dns manager?

Thanks for your patience.~~

If you have set your DNS servers to be used as,, etc at GoDaddy, you dont need to specify any other DNS information over there as Linode will be handling the DNS for your domain, not GoDaddy.


If you have set your DNS servers to be used as,, etc at GoDaddy, you dont need to specify any other DNS information over there as Linode will be handling the DNS for your domain, not GoDaddy.

So in godaddy I need to setup only NameServer, to



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