grsecurity (never mind!)

Has anyone been able to get a kernel to boot in pvgrub with the grescurity patches applied? I've been fighting with it for a day or so and it won't work…I'm using a Linode 360 with Gentoo. I first tried the gentoo-hardened kernel (which includes both grsecurity and SELinux) with the pvops options enabled…when I tried to boot, it hung with no console output.

Then I tried the sources and the config that is used when that kernel is selected on the Dashboard. Without applying any patches, I was at least able to get that kernel to compile and boot. I used incremental patches to upgrade to (the kernel version grsecurity patches against), and it still booted. Then I applied the grsecurity patch, compiled (no config changes), and the kernel pagefaulted immediately. Obviously, after that, I didn't try enabling grsecurity or PaX in the kernel config.

Has anyone gotten this to work? Any ideas how?

1 Reply

Update: It works if I start with linux- as the base for patching. Had I done some more extensive googling, I'd have discovered that grsecurity in general has issues with 32-bit kernels. :oops:


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