Bandwidth costs?

I've searched the forums, and this is the latest post I could find regarding bandwidth pricing.

Does it still cost $1/GB? Slicehost charges $0.30/GB.

I'm just wondering if this might have changed, since this post was over 5 years ago? :D

5 Replies

Transfer is $0.10/GB whether you prepay or are paying for overages.

We'll get this added to the FAQ.



yeah the bandwidth 'overage' prices here are matched by none. Only better deal I think you can get is a dedicated server with Unmetered and only if you max it out every month.


yeah the bandwidth 'overage' prices here are matched by none. Only better deal I think you can get is a dedicated server with Unmetered and only if you max it out every month.

Linode's definitely far ahead for VPSs, though there's at least one company (SoftLayer) that does the same bandwidth pricing for dedicated boxes.

Of course, you can also special-order a full machine-sized Linode. Some Xen overhead remains, of course, but the bang-for-buck is still extremely competitive compared to most dedicated servers.

It came as a suprise to me that most of the cloud offerings like S3 and CloudFiles from mosso are even more expensive. You would think that those offerings would be cheaper. But any way you slice it, a Linode is a better value than either of those services. The only reason I would go for those would be if I needed a CDN. And if your site is so big that you need a CDN your not likely running your site on linode.


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