nginx - 404 when missing backslash

Fairly new to nginx, does anyone know why this happens? - opens fine - redirects to:

2 Replies

Usually, web servers will redirect from http://blah/directoryname to http://hostname/directoryname/ for various reasons. Odds are good that it thinks your hostname is li46-80, so it's really redirecting you to http://li46-80/folder/ and your browser is sticking the www and com on it because it can't resolve li46-80.

It's probably getting that from the system hostname, which is probably set from the reverse DNS for your IP. In Apache, ensuring ServerName is set correctly is the way to go; nginx probably has a similar setting. I bet that will fix it :-)

Either you have an error in your rewrite rules, or you may've fallen victim to this peculiarity of Nginx.

Incidentally, it's a normal slash.

EDIT: Aargh, too slow :) And in hindsight, hoopycat is probably right.


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