[SOLVED] configuring dovecot+vpopmail
vpopmail uses /var/vpopmail/domains/domain.com/username as the user's maildir directory.
qmail delivers to ~/.maildir (and mutt reads from the same dir).
If I set up vpopmail to use ~/.maildir (by changing the user entry in the vpopmail table - is there a better way?) I get a message from dovecot that it can't switch to ~/.maildir with user 89 (vpopmail).
How can I configure dovecot to use the same user's uid as the one who owns the mailbox?
2 Replies
As you have guessed, this is a permission issue. I do not want all mail to be under a single user ownership, since it means a user might be able to read other user's mail. I was looking for a way to make vpopmail write into the user directory, with the user ownership and read rights. (and I tried to link it, permission denied).
I ended giving up vpopmail as a whole, and just using qmail + dovecot. Dovecot has great documentation, both on the config file, and in the wiki, so it was very simple to configure the way I wanted it, once I dropped vpopmail.