Trouble finding packages on new Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty) install

I just created a new disk image with the Ubuntu 9.04 i386 image. For some reason, aptitude can't find packages that I'm sure are there. Among them are nginx, git, mercurial, lighttpd, etc. They're definitely there, I can find them when searching on

Has anybody seen this problem? What could I be doing wrong? I've never had that problem with 8.04 - is it because it's so new? Or do I need to add repositories, etc?

4 Replies

Did you run 'apt-get update' first?


I just tried that, now it finds git but nginx etc. are still MIA.

Maybe you need to configure different repositories (i.e. universe).

Yes, that was it! I only remembered adding repositories for Java, and didn't realize I had added universe before (it's been some time …). Thanks!


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