Private IPs -- VPNs required??

I'm trying to choose between slicehost and linode. I wish to employ multiple linodes and have private ips.

I read this in one of the slicehost forums sometime ago…

"noted one other advantage for linode from a simple featureset - they offer both internal and external ips and don't charge for internal ip usage….though one disadvantage is that you need to use a VPN as their internal are not segmented from other customer's internal…which adds encryption overhead.


Is there anyway to avoid encryption overhead? Have private IPs only available to you and not any other customers?

5 Replies

Our internal network configuration prevents other Linodes from being able to sniff traffic on the LAN. So, I don't really see the use of encrypting the traffic…


Thanks Chris… I have some additional questions…

(1) It is possible to ensure that your linodes are on different servers for fault tolerant reasons?

(2) How do I add RAM to the node?

(a) Must I go from 360->720->1080 or I can add it in smaller increments?

(b) Changing the RAM size… does that mean that my linode migrates to another machine or stays on the same machine?

(c) Is there an automated interface to resize the machine RAM?

(3) What is the bandwidth charge beyond my quota per GB?


Thanks Chris… I have some additional questions…

(1) It is possible to ensure that your linodes are on different servers for fault tolerant reasons?
IIRC, they'll be placed on different hosts by default.

Anyway, the manager shows which hosts your nodes are on, so you can confirm it yourself. If two of your nodes were on the same host, you could file a support ticket and ask to have one moved.


(2) How do I add RAM to the node?

(a) Must I go from 360->720->1080 or I can add it in smaller increments?
You can go to the Extras page and add RAM in 90 MB increments, then reboot to activate it. (It's $5/month for each 90 MB.)

You can also file a support ticket and ask to be migrated to a larger plan (e.g. 360 -> 720).


(b) Changing the RAM size… does that mean that my linode migrates to another machine or stays on the same machine?
If you just use the Extras page, you'll stay on the same host. If you move to a different plan, you'll be migrated to another host.

Migrating isn't a huge deal, though… It's pretty quick, and you won't get a new IP as long as you stay in the same DC.


© Is there an automated interface to resize the machine RAM?
I don't think so. The API docs say the API can only manage DNS (so far).


(3) What is the bandwidth charge beyond my quota per GB?
First of all, read the FAQ. Additional transfer costs $10 per 100 GB per month.

Edit: formatting

Edit: changed one word :D

Edit: formatting again :o

Edit: wording again. Preview button, anyone?



© Is there an automated interface to resize the machine RAM?
I don't think so. The API docs say the API can only manage DNS (so far).

You can purchase additional RAM under the Extras tab at any time and a simple reboot will put it into use. If you want to upgrade/downgrade without interacting with us, you can:

* 1) Add a second Linode to your account

2) Clone your original Linode to the new Linode

3) Swap IPs between Linodes

4) Remove original Linode to receive a pro-rated credit</list></r>

Oh, sorry. I misinterpreted "automated". Listen to tasaro instead of me. :)


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