CentOS 5.3


When will we expect to have CentOS 5.3 image available for install through the distribution manager?

4 Replies

If you currently use 5.2:

yum update glibc\* && yum update


If you currently use 5.2:

yum update glibc\* && yum update


The scenario you presented, I already explored. I wish to have an image to boot directly into 5.3 instead of an upgrade. Which resulted in my initial question.

The question remains.

I'm interested too…

CentOS 5.3 has been released on january, why

there is no image ?


I'm interested too…

CentOS 5.3 has been released on january, why

there is no image ?

RHEL 5.3 came out in January, Centos 5.3 didn't come out until about a month ago. There was a delay because the lead maintainer decided to get married and go on a honeymoon. The nerve…

Just sayin…


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