Support helped me and i didn't even have an account

I canceled my account last night (i'm coming back under my work account, don't worry!) but i forgot to copy a couple important files. I opened up a ticket under my work account and within 15 minutes they had my linode booted back up so i could get what i needed.

My biggest fear was that my linode was deleted immediately after account cancellation, glad to see this wasn't the case!

The guys that run linode are truly awesome.

3 Replies

Of course your data surviving isn't guaranteed, but the Linode folks will definitely go out of their way to help you if they can. That's one of the many reasons we're all here!


caker and co have always been extremely helpful and go the extra mile.

Saved my bum more than once when I had something running amuck on my old UML linode. :)

Thanks Caker and co! :)

I once wiped out my home directory (and its now the !mwalling factoid in the IRC channel), and the first thing caker said was "Did you migrate recently?"

(no, I didn't lose anything important, but that night I started backing up to S3)


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