New Star Trek film

I went down to the Alamo Drafthouse tonight for a 9:50 show of Wrath of Khan. They showed a couple of minutes of it before Mr Nimoy appeared in the flesh, bearing a big canister containing the complete new film. We beat out the Australia "world premiere" by several hours.

It was awesome! Go see it when it comes out!

14 Replies

That is incredible. How is Mr. Nimoy?


I went down to the Alamo Drafthouse tonight for a 9:50 show of Wrath of Khan. They showed a couple of minutes of it before Mr Nimoy appeared in the flesh, bearing a big canister containing the complete new film. We beat out the Australia "world premiere" by several hours.

It was awesome! Go see it when it comes out!

Are you talking about this movie?

So you got to see it one month before the premiere? Lucky bastard.

That's the movie, yeah. Nimoy looked really good for 78, and he was obviously having a great time playing to the crowd, which had been promised 10 minutes of the new movie after Khan finished. That was ostensibly why the guys in suits were checking for cell phones and cameras.

"Do you think it's fair that they get to see it first in Australia?"


"Wouldn't you rather see the whole thing instead of just 10 minutes?"

wild applause

I must be naturally skeptical, because I didn't believe he could actually deliver until I noticed he was carrying an enormous film canister.


That's the movie, yeah. Nimoy looked really good for 78, and he was obviously having a great time playing to the crowd, which had been promised 10 minutes of the new movie after Khan finished. That was ostensibly why the guys in suits were checking for cell phones and cameras.

"Do you think it's fair that they get to see it first in Australia?"


"Wouldn't you rather see the whole thing instead of just 10 minutes?"

wild applause

I must be naturally skeptical, because I didn't believe he could actually deliver until I noticed he was carrying an enormous film canister.

Ahh.. So you only saw the first ten minutes. What a teaser. Hmm.. There is no mention on wikipedia as to when the movie will be released in Sweden. Do they still wait many months before they release a new movie in Sweden compared to USA? If so, what is the reason that they do that? They are in it for the money, I understand that. But I don't understand how they get more money from voluntary release delays. Anyone with a theory/explanation?

No no, we had been promised 10 minutes. What we got was the whole smash.

I saw Nimoy in person at a Trek convention back in the early seventies. That was at a time with only a few thousand showed up. It wouldn't be Star Trek without Mr. Spock! If I had only known, I would have driven to Austin!


Hehe, nice to see fellow trekkies. I went to the premiere of one of the later Star Wars movies in an authentic (well, at least it was manufactured by Paramount Pictures) Star Trek Next Generation science officer uniform here in Sweden. I expected a bashing but no one cared. Except for a mother of two in an elevator lobby who reluctantly drew her children closer to herself.

Sounds like our friend fos is an original Trekkie. Neat! You should have driven to Austin. Of course, there were many people who didn't get in… And those were all people who thought they were waiting for Star Trek 2! (I hope they do actually screen that one; I've written to them about it.)

You still have the uniform, harmone?

I was still in junior high school when the original Star Trek series came out. I was hooked!



Hmm.. There is no mention on wikipedia as to when the movie will be released in Sweden.
May 8 in many countries (including the "home country" USA), according to IMDb.


Do they still wait many months before they release a new movie in Sweden compared to USA? If so, what is the reason that they do that? They are in it for the money, I understand that. But I don't understand how they get more money from voluntary release delays. Anyone with a theory/explanation?
It greatly depends on the marketing budget for the movie and early interest in it, I think. If early reception is good while the movie is still in production, they might up the marketing budget a bit.

That's my theory, anyway.


You still have the uniform, harmone?

Yep! And I'm working on getting a body again that fits the damn thing. I bought it when I was slimmer. It's a good motivator ;).

Resurrecting old thread now that the movie has done its first weekend – what's everybody's take from the film? Is it worth a theatre viewing?

RT has compiled a 95% (holy crap!), interestingly and unexpectedly.


Is it worth a theatre viewing?

Absolutely. Without a doubt.

Have seen it twice now. Will watch it again a third time this weekend. It's absolutely brilliant.


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