Weekly backup replaced the daily

I was expecting that today between 1000-1200 a "weekly" backup would be taken because that's my current window and weekday. Instead, today's backup just replaced the daily (made last night), and there was no weekly slot filed.

Will today's backup move to weekly tomorrow between 1000-1200 (or whenever the next window occurs), or does it take a week before a "weekly" is actually made? I may find out then, but it wasn't what I expected so I wanted to post the feedback ;)

Here are the three backups made so far:

auto     2009-04-05 11:00:38     2009-04-05 11:03:03     2 minutes, 25 seconds      successful
auto     2009-04-04 22:56:56     2009-04-04 22:58:36     1 minute, 40 seconds   successful
snapshot     2009-04-03 18:06:40     2009-04-03 19:31:40     1 hour, 25 minutes, 0 seconds      successful

3 Replies

Since Sunday is set as your weekly backup day, today's backup is technically both your daily and your weekly. The system classifies each backup into one type, and today's backup is your daily. This provides an extra day of life for your previous weeklies (if you had any).

After tomorrow's successful daily backup, it'll reclassify this one as your weekly.

Hope that makes sense.



After tomorrow's successful daily backup, it'll reclassify this one as your weekly.

Hope that makes sense.

Yup :) I actually meant to change the thread title since my question had more to do with the timing of the weekly backup than any "replacing".

Just a quick followup–the daily ran today on schedule, and now the Weekly, Daily and Snapshot boxes show what is expected. 8)

Here's my complete current backup log:

auto     2009-04-06 10:09:25     2009-04-06 10:11:08     1 minute, 43 seconds   successful
auto     2009-04-05 11:00:38     2009-04-05 11:03:03     2 minutes, 25 seconds      successful
auto     2009-04-04 22:56:56     2009-04-04 22:58:36     1 minute, 40 seconds   successful
snapshot     2009-04-03 18:06:40     2009-04-03 19:31:40     1 hour, 25 minutes, 0 seconds      successful


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