do linode provide unlimted SMTP mails

Hey guys

i am thinkin of buying from

i own a fun forum, and mostly to promote it, i have to send lots of emails to msn, google and yahoo groups,,,, so that means i need a strong SMTP server..

is there any restriction over sending mails..

any limit? or restriction….

Please Let me know….


5 Replies


Linode do not provide an smtp server/service. You need to setup a stmpd on your linode. Whatever you want really. I personally recommend Postfix.

Don't believe so. One Linode I work on hosts several mailing lists that, while not high-traffic, have bursts of activity.

Note that spamming behavior, or even questionable behavior such as creating "opt-out" mailings, is likely to result in complaints, listing on DNS block lists, or termination of your account under Linode's Terms of Service.

Read the Terms of Service. There are no restrictions on email volume, but spam is very much not allowed. You should be careful.

Edit: Man, what's with all the helpful people here? Stop posting so quickly! :( :P


Go Go 20000 Post!

Bah, cheater. :P


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