MySQL memory footprint

Running MySQL on my Linode 720 to support Gallery2. After a week or two uptime, memory for MySQL climbs to 340M.

I initially tuned MySQL based on recommendations from and

I'll be the 1st to admit I don't know much about administering MySQL.

Anyway, I'd like to reduce memory to <= 300M. Any recommendation on where to start? Here's my config:

2 Replies

Do you actually need the features that InnoDB tables provide? It looks like about half of the memory usage you're seeing might be attributable to that. I have InnoDB turned off and–though my DBs are very small--MySQL never goes about 20MB total usage.

A long time ago, when Linode's small plan was 64MB of memory, caker put together this my.cnf to help us all get MySQL to fit. I've been using the same my.cnf (with minor modifications) since then.


> Do you actually need the features that InnoDB tables provide? It looks like about half of the memory usage you're seeing might be attributable to that.
Yep. Gallery uses innodb.

Can I do the opposite? Can I turn off MyISAM, or lower keybuffersize without adversely affecting things? I'm not using MySQL for anything other than gallery.


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