How big is your site and what Linode are you running?

We at are wondering

a. How big is your site (in terms of simultaneous users at peak)

b. If you ever did a 'top' command at that time, what was the highest CPU usage

c. What was the available memory and used memory at the time

d. What is/was your Linode used - 540, 720, etc.

e. What is the highest network traffic used

f. Quantify your database accesses (Are they limited & simple table accesses or Large & complex join accesses).

Furthermore, here are some tools analysis questions:

e. If you ever ran a 'jmeter' type load testing on your site page or mysql database, how many threads could you go up before your CPU slowed down considerably (I understand, you should not do it without Linode Admin's knowledge)

f. If you did run Yslow at that time, how much is the page size and turn-around time in seconds/minutes.

If you prefer, please display your URL here for us to get a better idea of your site (or we will assume your signature has the site)

Please send us a PMB if you do not feel comfortable to disclose them here.

We will share our study here(without disclosing your name/site name if you prefer not to disclose)


2 Replies

We have classified the sites into following online services. For fair comparison, please let us know how do you classify your site.

a. Classifieds sites (Dating,matching, classifieds, simple auctions etc.)

b. Social Networking

c. Online stores (has anybody complied with PCI on Linode? :-)

d. Academic projects (LAMP based projects for building product/proof of concept)

e. Intensive sites (Games, etc)

f. Media sites (media sharing like video, photos etc.)


My main server is a primary host for a gaming forum/related sites.

a. 107 peak concurrent users

b. no, but I usually stay in the .56 - 5.0 range during high load depend on which site is being viewed

c. 720avil/570~ used 10-50 swap

d. 720

e. highest I can remember was nearing 16mb/s

f. Large total sql (1.9gb) multiple db/tables with mostly complex joins.

Never used Jmeter but I have no issues running ab benchmark with 100c at 10k request with no slowdown on the site and still low-mid server loads.

205k @ 0.894 seconds on average.


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