Need advice on a temporary server

I need a server for at most 2 weeks. Here are my needs:

1) At least 45GB storage

2) 100GB bandwidth

3) PHP 4 or 5

4) MySQL

I don't need ssh etc. Just an ftp account will do.

Do you have any suggestions for which provider to use? Or can you offer me this? If so, how much?

5 Replies

Linode's 1440 and 2880 packages can meet or exceed your requirements once you set them up, but that's kind of a lot of storage for relatively little bandwidth. What kind of data is it? Might you be better served with a small VPS (or even traditional shared hosting) plus something like Amazon S3 or Mosso's CloudFiles for holding the bulk of your data?

I guess shared hosting would be the most cost effective way of doing this.

The data is around 20 GB of video + audio files from my university senior project. I believe around 4-5 people will download the files, hence the 100 GB bandwith.

The storage is 45 GB since I'd like to have at least twice the amount of space of my data, just in case I need to upload two different versions of it.

So, should I go with shared hosting? I need people to be able to download these files with reasonably high speeds (say 200 KB/s minimum). So which host do you recommend?



I guess shared hosting would be the most cost effective way of doing this.

The data is around 20 GB of video + audio files from my university senior project. I believe around 4-5 people will download the files, hence the 100 GB bandwith.

The storage is 45 GB since I'd like to have at least twice the amount of space of my data, just in case I need to upload two different versions of it.

So, should I go with shared hosting? I need people to be able to download these files with reasonably high speeds (say 200 KB/s minimum). So which host do you recommend?

I'd go with Amazon S3

Why not buy a mobile me account? For $99/year you get 20GB of storage and 200GB of bandwidth. Each additional 20GB/200GB is another $49/year.

Then buy a minimal VPS and for downloads point to the Apple service.

Plus if you have an iphone and/or Mac you get lots of other benefits too! :D

I had good luck running a site on hostgator back when I was using shared hosting. Of the shared hosting providers they are top tier IMO. They start at $9/month. try sometimes you can find a promo code to get the first month for a penny. I used to run a World of Warcraft guild site there with lots of video footage. They didn't seem to have a problem with it.


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