what happens when account expires

Is there a way to retrieve files after an account expires? If not could I request it [for peace of mind sake, more than anything].



2 Replies

Once you stop paying for a service, the service stops. For peace of mind, make backups somewhere other than Linode. That way you're safe if Linode itself were to fail, or if the RAID controller writes crap to both disks in the array.


Is there a way to retrieve files after an account expires? If not could I request it [for peace of mind sake, more than anything].


The linode staff have been known to rescue data from a deleted linode/account from time to time - but it's important to let them know as soon as possible. I doubt they have any sort of guarentee for how long such data will be retained, nor how long the turnaround for recovery would be; I just know I've seen it happen on the IRC channel 2-3 times in the past.


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