What about transfer domains?

I would like to buy an entry vps to move two wordpress blogs. I have 3 domains (one .eu, one .net and one .com).

What would it cost? What I have to do.

What is the best vps location for european visitors (which vps place I get better ping, pinging from EU)?


5 Replies


What is the best vps location for european visitors (which vps place I get better ping, pinging from EU)?



What is the best vps location for european visitors (which vps place I get better ping, pinging from EU)?

Yes, Newark… but still it's slow for regular usage. I have to use another VPS (in UK, BlueSquare) for my european visitors, it has more than 3x better response.

That's what happens when you have to cross the pond.

Ok, and what about domains?

Linode doesn't sell domains, so you can't transfer. But it does host DNS, so you can configure your domains from Linode Manager. You only need to go to your domain registrar and set the nameservers to ns[1 2 3 4].linode.com


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