Very Happy New Customer

I moved 54 sites of mine to a Linode 720 + a Linode 360 (For the DB) both running Ubuntu 8.10 32 bit and cannot say enough! Keep up the great work guys!

Just this morning, I launched a new, pretty high profile website and it has already received many thousands of unique visitors and 100's of thousands of requests and the server is humming along like nothing ever happened. Most of the 54 sites are Wordpress 2.7.x or another CMS.

The load is low and memory use is WELL within the capacity of my nodes.

Tasks: 31, 1 running
Load Average: 0.05 0.03 0.00
Uptime: 7 days, 21:21:21

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:           720        579        140          0         53        320
-/+ buffers/cache:        206        514
Swap:          511          6        505

This is with 30-40 concurrent users at this moment JUST on the new site, not counting any of the other blogs/CMSes.

Total estimates are 15-20,000 unique visitors a day to all the sites and 400-500,000 requests.

I have offsite rsync backups running nightly and occasional random offsite (S3) backups running. Speed to the Internet is superior compared to the provider I moved from both externally and on the private internal network. External speeds are especially helpful when backing up 1gb+ at a time to S3.

7 Replies

Ditto! I hope to move another server here next week.

The service is great at Linode!



Ditto! I hope to move another server here next week.

The service is great at Linode!


Oh, and one other thing, When I first started, I had one Linode 360 and wanted it to be a 720… The upgrade process didn't seem as "automated" as SH so naturally, I was a curious what the upgrade process entailed… So I went ahead and put in the ticket and the fellow who took it (tasaro) answered all my questions and addressed my concerns (Since the server was already "live") quickly and treated me more as a peer than just another customer.

Now if only they offered reasonable Windows VPSs too, perhaps under a different brand (Winode? :-) … Then ALL my customer needs would be provided by Linode.

I upgraded after an initial trial as well. The new server was set up in minutes. The transfer didn't go very smoothly. I'm sure I did something wrong. Since I only had one domain configured on the first server, I started from scratch.

The next time I upgrade, I'm going to ask questions first. ;)



Now if only they offered reasonable Windows VPSs too, perhaps under a different brand (Winode? :-) … Then ALL my customer needs would be provided by Linode.

cburgess wrote a good analysis of that idea here. Basically, it doesn't fly. Windows isn't terribly well suited for servers.


Windows isn't terribly well suited for servers.
I have a Mr Ballmer here who wants a word with you.

Watch out for that chair!


Watch out for that chair!

"Please, have a seat. I insist."

(Frankly, I think the whole thing is a little bit unfair… successfully sell billions of copies of what is now the ubiquitous computing platform for non-computing people and noone cares. Then one of your executives throws a single chair…)


(Frankly, I think the whole thing is a little bit unfair… successfully sell billions of copies of what is now the ubiquitous computing platform for non-computing people and noone cares. Then one of your executives throws a single chair…)
I liked M$ a lot better when Bill Gates himself was at the helm. Ballmer is like :evil:

Well, who cares? Linux rocks!


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