httptunnel service, anyone?

Our corporate firewall, among other things, blocks Port 22 (ssh).

I'm a web developer on the side, I'm not doing anything nasty, just trying to ssh onto my linode and edit some php and css during my lunch hour.

Does anyone run httptunnel on their linode to which I can connect and ssh to my linode?

7 Replies

The quick answer would be to tell your SSH server to listen on port 443 and use that port to connect. There are very few environments where this doesn't work.


Edit: I forgot to mention, the SSH servers for console access already listen on port 443 so you can also access your Linode that way.

ajaxterm works very well for this


The quick answer would be to tell your SSH server to listen on port 443 and use that port to connect. There are very few environments where this doesn't work.

You can also use something like to run both HTTPS and SSH on port 443.

Thanks for these great posts!!!

I ended up going with ajaxterm, but, all of the other posts were good ideas, also.

I actually have a VPN setup to my linode using vtund. From my work machine (also Linux) I can access a Squid proxy running on my linode for unblocked access (youtube, facebook, etc). On top of that I route multiple /24 networks through the VPN tunnel which allows me to play World of Warcraft under Wine. It runs flawlessly.

This works wonderfully for me:

Corkscrew is great under Linux.

I spent quite a lot of time playing with it to try and get it to compile under windows using MinGW (not cygwin), during which I learned quite a lot about how windows pretends to let you use file descriptors for sockets but really doesn't treat them the same (e.g., you can't select on both stdin and a socket FD); then I discovered that PuTTY supports HTTP proxies natively :/


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