
I have looked around your website and in these forums and still have a question.

What happens if my linode360 were to exceed the 200GB transfer limit?

More specifically is the linode turned off or will it be charged for the extra usage?

I am on a tight budget and could not afford any extra charges for usage. I see that a ticket is created and would be sent to me but what if I do not see the ticket in time.



11 Replies

From the FAQ:

> What if I go over my monthly network data transfer?

Bandwidth limits are soft caps. If you drastically exceed your limit, we'll open a support ticket to let you know. If you believe you will have overages consistently, you can purchase additional bandwidth or upgrade to the next plan level.

Sounds like nothing horrible will happen if you go over just once, but you may be asked to upgrade your plan. I imagine if you ignore them and refuse to pay for repeated overages, they would shut you down.

I read that to mean that you will not be charged immediately if you go over; but warned. I have never had it happen and I absolutely do not work for linode, so don't take my word for it.


That question is actually covered in the FAQ: … a-transfer">

> What if I go over my monthly network data transfer?

Bandwidth limits are soft caps. If you drastically exceed your limit, we'll open a support ticket to let you know. If you believe you will have overages consistently, you can purchase additional bandwidth or upgrade to the next plan level.

In other words, if you go slightly over your limit, Linode will just let you know about it, so you might be able to make adjustments (such as upgrade your plan, delete large files that create overages, stop/pause bandwidth-consuming software, etc).

I believe it depends greatly on how much you're over the limit. I think the folks at Linode will let a small overage slip through, as long as you don't make a habit of doing so.

A plan upgrade isn't that much extra per month, though. It's only $10 extra per month if you upgrade from a Linode 360 (with 200GB transfer) to a Linode 540 (with 300GB transfer), or from a Linode 540 to a Linode 720 (with 400 GB transfer).

Thanks for the responses!

I just do not want to wake up to extra $200 charge because I got listed on digg or slashdot and my page hits went through the roof. Not that it would ever happen but just like to make sure. Perhaps I am more worried about a rogue take over of my linode because I had poor security/bad setup. Being a newbie ya I probably get what I deserve but, ouch on the expenses for the bandwidth uses.

I would prefer and expect to be shut down if I start exceeding quota. After all its not fair to the other Linodes on the server.

Reading reviews and in the forums I get a true sense of community here and just want to make sure that I am a responsible member.

Very excited to become a new Linode member!


That question is actually covered in the FAQ: … a-transfer">

I read that but to me it does not clearly state that there will not be extra charges. Just that a support ticket will be opened. What if I am on vacation in the land of no technology and I dont see that support ticket for weeks?

Perhaps I am paranoid and/or just trying to read to much into it. I think I will have to sleep on it and make my decision tomorrow. Its been a long day and as a small business, even a decision to move from my server in the next room to a linode could spell financial disaster.

Thanks again for taking the time to reply.


What if I am on vacation in the land of no technology and I dont see that support ticket for weeks?
Simply put, server admins aren't supposed to go on vacation in the land of no technology for weeks. Not to mention that there aren't a whole lot of "lands of no technology" left in this world which also happen to make good vacation destinations. If you really need to be some place where there is no Internet, at least take a netbook with you, grab a phone line, and place an international call to the dial-up number provided by your home ISP. 8)

Speaking of which, I have PuTTY for Symbian UIQ3 installed on my phone, ready for action wherever. :)


Not to mention that there aren't a whole lot of "lands of no technology" left in this world which also happen to make good vacation destinations.

I beg to differ :)

Yes, it's hosted on a linode :)


Speaking of which, I have PuTTY for Symbian UIQ3 installed on my phone, ready for action wherever. :)
I have a question for you then. When I try to connect with Putty for S60, it just gets stuck at the "connecting…" screen. Do you know any particular configuration that I should do?


I have a question for you then. When I try to connect with Putty for S60, it just gets stuck at the "connecting…" screen. Do you know any particular configuration that I should do?

No idea. I have been connecting to my Linode from PuTTY for S60 on my Nokia E71 all the time on a 3G HSPA network, across the Pacific Ocean, without any issue…

Well, I have a E51, but that shouldn't matter. Maybe it's something about 3G. I only tried it over wi-fi.


…I am more worried about a rogue take over of my linode because I had poor security/bad setup. Being a newbie ya I probably get what I deserve but, ouch on the expenses for the bandwidth uses.
I would suggest you take the time and effort to properly secure your system since it's not just you and your Linode that would be affected, but everyone else who will suffer the effects of your Linode being 'taken over' – spam, DoS, DDoS, other general blackhat activities, etc.


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