Putty Network Error

When I run putty and configure and open a saved session it says..

Putty Fatal Error
Network Error: Connection Timed Out

It is suppposed to prompt me right?

2 Replies

Hey there,

That sounds like it might be a general network error or possibly a firewall error on the Linode. Are you able to ping the Linode's IP address from your local machine? You can also test if you are able to reach the Linode's SSH port by running telnet <IP address> <port> from your local machine.

I would also recommend logging into the Linode via the Lish console to troubleshoot further. To log in via Lish, you can follow these steps:

  • Log into the Linode Manager
  • Click on the Linode name
  • Click on the Remote Access tab
  • Scroll to the bottom and under Console Access click "Launch Lish Console" or copy and paste the ssh command into your terminal

You can read more about this in the Using The Linode Shell guide. Once logged in there you can run egrep -i '(password|permit|port|rsa)' /etc/ssh/sshd_config to investigate the SSH configurations and make sure you are connecting to the right port and that you are not blocked as logging in as root (if you are attempting to log in as root). You can also double check /var/log/auth.log to see if there is any information there about the timeout. You can also run the following commands to double check your network settings.

ip a
ip r
netstat -plunt

I hope this helps!


I am also getting same issue. Please help


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