Services to take up where Linode ends

Admin Services

I am offering admin and development services for Linode customers that need some extra help. I have twelve years experience using and administering Linux. Seven of that is in enterprise environments.

* Experience With Multiple Distributions

  • Web Servers (Apache/Lighttpd/Nginx/Etc.)

  • Email Servers (Postfix/Sendmail/Exim/Courier/Dovecot/Etc.)

  • Databases (MySQL/Postgres/Etc.)

Development Services

I have 6 years experience developing software. I've worked in various languages (C, C++, Python, PHP, Perl, Javascript etc.). I've developed a number of sites using PHP, Django (Python), Javascript, etc. I have experience with complex AJAX frontends.

Pricing starts at $40/hr. That is negotiable depending on what work is to be done and the amount of work to be done as well.

If you have any questions feel free to reply here or drop me an email:

3 Replies

Hi Iggy,

I may be interested in your services.

Do you have a web presence?

Thank you,


How much per hour/day/whatever?

fos: I don't currently have a web presence. I'm working on it. This is, as you may have guessed, a new endeavor.

dcelasun: See the original post, I edited to show some pricing info. If you need more info, feel free to drop me a line.


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