How do you use Linode?

Linode Staff

I'm interested in learning more about all of the ways people use Linode.

Do you use Linode to host websites? What kind of sites? Static HTML, PHP, Wordpress?

Do you use Linode to host Apps and APIs? What frameworks are you using? Rails, Django, Express?

What about Email, VPN, FTP, or Databases? Do you host any of those Linode?

3 Replies

I run a WordPress site, a couple of blogs running Ghost (which I highly recommend), and a React app that lives on the same Linode as one of my blogs.

Then there's my utility server - it started as a VPN that I'd use while traveling, but it turned into a workstation for when I need to run jobs that I don't want to, or can't, run locally.

For example, I've experimented with a few speech-to-text services, and after a few broken connections on my home WiFi, which caused an interruption to a streaming process that would take up to an hour, I started uploading my files and running those jobs from my Linode for the network reliability. I've done similar things with image processing and stuff like that - it's a great way to free up resources on my own computer for my extremely important business needs.

Thanks for sharing @pbzona are there any sites or blogs you'd like to share?

The speech-text and image processing jobs you're running sound interesting. What tools are you using?

My Centmin Mod LEMP stack auto installer project's community forums has been hosted since creation of forums on 8GB Linode KVM VPS at - coming up on 4th year at Linode :) Post all my Linode VPS benchmarks at :)

Also my Centmin Mod main site is on a geodns based cluster of 16+ VPS servers of which a few geographic locations are also on Linode amongst other web hosts -

Also wrote a Linode stackscript for my Centmin Mod LEMP auto installer at - thread at

The Centmin Mod LEMP stack official Linode stackscript is slowly rising in ranks for stackscript library's top CentOS category deployments - currently on page 2 !


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