Postfix+LDAP not dropping to the right user
I have my test user in LDAP,
In postfix's, I set
alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases, ldap:/etc/postfix/
and in, I have:
server_host = ldapserver
search_base = dc=foo, dc=com
query_filter = (|(mail=%s)(mailAlternateAddress=%s))
result_attribute = uid
I'm expecting postfix to do a search like "(|(mail=
I tried a postmap -vq "
dovecot unix - n n - - pipe
flags=DRhu user=mail:mail argv=/usr/lib/dovecot/deliver -f ${sender} -d ${user}
I think $user is the wrong variable to use, but I'm not sure how to tell Postfix to deliver to the LDAP UID, not dumbly deliver to test2.
Also, I noticed that Postfix isn't bouncing mails to addresses that don't exist. I emailed
Anyone know what I'm missing?
1 Reply
Also, I noticed that Postfix isn't bouncing mails to addresses that don't exist. I emailed , and Postfix just dropped off the mail to the non-existent mail user "barf".
Do you haveset so it isn't empty? localrecipientmaps